It's About More Than Money

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It's About More Than Money

Finance? Why would you want to study that? Isn't it just about money? If you've ever expressed an interest in finance, you probably had some people in your life who reacted that way. You may not have known how to respond. We have a suggestion for that. We recommend explaining that finance is about more than money. It's about responsibility, your future, and smart planning. If you would like to learn more about the responsibility and planning aspects of finance, this blog is a good place to do it. We'll also post about money, so be ready for that, too.


Understanding Credit Repair for Car Loans

22 January 2024
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Ever wondered how your credit score impacts car loan possibilities? You're not alone. A low credit score can hinder the chances of securing a favorable car loan. However, there's a solution: credit repair for car loans. The Impact of Credit Scores on Car Loans Credit scores play a significant role when it comes to car loans. Lenders use them to assess risk and decide interest rates. Lower scores often lead to higher interest rates or loan rejection. Read More …

Get The Most Out Of Your Tax Accountant’s Services

11 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

A tax accountant does more than prepare and file business taxes. They also serve as an advisor and can provide insight on how to keep accurate records or make a purchase or sale that could affect how much money you owe the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). To get the most out of the services that your tax accountant provides, implement the following tips into your business plan. Record Keeping Record keeping allows you to keep track of every dollar spent and earned. Read More …

Tips for Simplifying the Bitcoin Buying Process

5 May 2021
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

One of the barriers that some consumers have to purchase Bitcoin is that they don't know how to do so. This is often because consumers think that the process of purchasing Bitcoin is difficult. However, several services make it very easy to purchase Bitcoin. Understanding Why You Are Buying Bitcoin The value of Bitcoin has gone up considerably in the past and some investors have chosen to purchase Bitcoin as a way to make money. Read More …